I love to explore,
Learn things,
Absorb information,
Twist perspectives,
Combine knowledge.

I love to think,
Abstract, complex 
Theoretical, spiritual,
Mystic and profound

I love virtues,
Honesty, sharing,
Generosity, piety,
Support, sacrifice,
Hope enlightenment.

I know my ego face,
Selfish, arrogant,
Ignorant, superior,
Not listening.

I love few people,
For they treated me
Better than I treated them.
Despite my flaws and
Temper, fateful encounters.

I follow destiny.
Cosmic crossings,
Quantum entanglement, 
Transcendental love,
Causes and effects. 

I love science,
I love spiritual,
I love occult,
I love theories,
I love heart whispers,
I love being.